Sunday, November 25, 2012

My journey to Israel is beginning soon...

It's the last two weeks before graduation, and my apartment is packed up, and the movers come on the 6th to take my things to storage. I'm nervous and excited for this amazing opportunity! This blog will be here to help keep my friends and family up-to-date on what I'm doing in Jerusalem. 

The name of this blog comes from the Facebook group  A Sem Girl Says which pokes fun at the seminary girl in Israel, who is often characterized as a ditzy blonde. Although I'm far from that type, I certainly enjoy joking in this fashion. 

While I'm in Israel, I will be studying in the Western Jerusalem neighborhood of Har Nof (which means 'scenic mountain') at the Jewish Orthodox girls' seminary called Neve Yerushalayim. Har Nof is located at point A on the map below. 

I'm going to be in Jerusalem for about 6 months studying, and having my chance to improve my Hebrew and make lifelong friendships! I'm going to miss all of my family and friends in Texas, and of course my dear students, but I want to share with all of you what I'm doing!

Here's to new adventures!