After customs and grabbing my luggage, I went into the Hall of Arrivals (picture below) where people go to greet each other and welcome them. It was amazing to see crowds of friends and families welcoming their loved ones. Israel is very small, and families and very close and related! Many different people are distant cousins of one another here.
Then I went to Har Nof in Israel. It's a top a hill and overlooks much of Jerusalem. It's beautiful up here in the hills. When I arrived a cold front came and it was very windy, rainy and COLD. It was a tough adjustment, but I managed. I live in a dorm room and I have one roommate who is very nice. I also live across the hall from my friend Rochel Chaya who also went to UT with me! I have two other friends who live in another dorm nearby. I also have many friends who live all over Israel, so it's wonderful to have such a great support system. This is a picture of me at the top of one of many hills. It was a cloudy day from the cold front.
Fun fact about Israel:
They have NO squirrels. They have never seen squirrels ever! Instead, their wild animals are cats. People don't own cats here as pets. They are wild animals that live on the streets in packs (picture below). To Israelis, owning a cat as a pet is as weird as owning a squirrel as a pet!